Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday -- LEGOs

When John Michael was born, Nicolas was really sad for a while because having a brother Down syndrome meant (to him at the time) that he wouldn't have anyone to play LEGOs with or play ball.

John Michael continually proves to us that he is all boy first and Down syndrome is just a small part of who he is.

Here, brothers are playing LEGOs together, even though the pieces are too small for JM to put together. He's at the Mega Blocks stage for stacking, but took some time out of his busy toddler schedule to play with his big brother.

* Yes, I realize the pieces are super small and can be put in his mouth, but I was monitoring very carefully :-)

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  1. The first thing I thought was--wow, Erin always put those small pieces in her mouth...and here you added that you were watching JM while he was playing--you knew what I was thinking! ;)

  2. Wow that's a lot of legos.. any little boys dream!

  3. I love JM's expressions!! He looks very happy to be playing with legos.

  4. I just can't get over how cute your pictures are! I love to see JM playing and goofing around with his sibs. I think your new header is the bomb and I'm jealous! I enjoy your blog so much. Thanks for sharing your family with so many...I love to see JM's sweet face and hear about his latest antics!

  5. He looks so happy playing with the legos!

  6. So is there a follow up photo--the one where he dumps that bin of Legos out on the floor?

    As always, very sweet photos

  7. first of all i LOVE the picture of the four kids at the top of your blog! also - so sweet with John Michael playing legos w/ his big brother :)

  8. I am so glad you found my blog! I love new blog buddies! Your family is beautiful!

  9. A real Crumley smile in the middle picture, he smiles just like anna, Greta and Nick do in pictures!

    Gr Maud

  10. Fun times!
    Thanks for posting on my blog. It's great to "meet" you. I'm sure that Micah would have a blast with your adorable monkeys (my Nathan is considered our monkey as he was climbing 2-story play systems before the age of two).

    Unfortunately, with our recent news of my hubby's job relocation, I'm not going to be able to make it out to Sacramento for the conference now (it's the weekend before Mark starts his new job). Bummer!

  11. Looks like a total brother bonding time to me!! Dylon's main concern was if Adam could/would be able to play baseball with him. And yes, the 2 brothers managed to break 2 ofour windows while playing baseball together!!!
