Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday -- GUILTY!

When I found John Michael, he was happily splashing his hands in the shower and playing with his Lego truck that he'd also tossed in. The basin was still wet from morning showers. He looked up and gave me a huge smile at his newfound discovery of opening the door and climbing up and over the rim. I would love to have captured that on camera. It's only at those moments when my batteries fail! I raced to the car to get my cell phone camera, but by then he'd decided it was time to get out. He was soaking wet!
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  1. I love getting to hear all the cute things John Michael does!He is a busy little guy:) Oh,and I know I say this every time but he is just sooooo adorable!!!!

  2. Thank you John Michael for making me smile!!! I agree with Ruby's Mom, he is soooo adorable!!!

  3. How funny! Yes, he is too cute!

  4. Look at that FACE! AHHHH! What a total doll face!

  5. Absolutely adorable!!

  6. Oh yes, crawling into the shower stall is a favorite in our house too. In addition to the splashing, John likes the echo that occurs when he goes in there and "talks".

    Seems like John Michael has a nose for trouble and oh what a cute nose it is! Wish we didn't live across the country from each other. I could see our two guys having a ton of fun together.

  7. That story and picture brings a smile to my face. It sounds like he is a very busy and curious little boy.
