Thursday, February 18, 2010

When I Grow Up...

What do you want to be when you grow up?  That seems to be a common question in our house right now.

This morning, while beading a colorful necklace for her Oma, Greta announced... "When I grow up, I want to be an artist and a veterinarian farmer."  Hmmm, lots of paintings and other creations, fresh vegetables and healthy farm animals.  Sounds very down to earth.  If anyone can, she can pull it off.

I love the things kids come up with, especially when they're creating and not so much thinking.  Just letting their thoughts come out as they come to them.

Anna wants to be a teacher and an author.  She says she can teach and still write in her spare time.  I hope she also continues in art, but I'm very impressed by her writing skills.  It's these "smiley-face" tricks... a writing technique she learned for excellent creative writing.  I should take notes!

Nicolas still desires to be a Catholic priest -- something he's aspired to since he was 5.  Some days he says family life, being a husband and father would be a joy for him as well.  He's very involved in Boy Scouts, has strong leadership skills and tends to be analytical, so who knows what else he would choose to do.  He's still young... who knows what his desires will be in the next 5 or 6 years.

I often wonder what John Michael will be when he grows up.  I think about his future occasionally.  He's already such a people person...  What kinds of opportunities will he have?  Will doors open for him?  or will his facial and physical appearance make a potential employer reconsider hiring him?  I used to be afraid of the future... of 40 years down the road when I'm (gasp) 80.  I no longer worry that far in advance.  We have so many years ahead of us with school and life... it's a waste of time to worry.  I'm learning to enjoy the ride and I pray that the future for our children and adults with Down syndrome will be bright.  We need more advocacy, more awareness of how awesome these individuals are, less hate speech, like the "R" word, more compassion, less infatuation with "perfection".  I've never known any of my kids to be completely "perfect" and yet, they're all perfect. 

When I grow up, I want to be more like John Michael.  Less concerned about what people think, more able to be present in the world around me and enjoy the small things, less judgmental, more compassionate, less worried about things I cannot control, and have a more child-like faith.


  1. Part of the reason why I love reading all of your blogs is because I just feel better when I do. You guys all hit on topics that I often think about or feel myself and just seeing someone else describe a way that I am already feeling makes me feel better. One thing I have been telling people over and over again is that Colin will do anything he wants. Chris and I will push him just like we would any other child. But I do wonder, what will he end up doing? Will he fall victim to stereotypes and be limited because of that? Who knows...I guess for me that is WAY too far in the future to really worry about too much right now...

  2. What a great post! You are a great writer and share such fun topics...I am not so good when it comes to writing my posts...but LOVE reading all of yours, because I feel the same way as so many of my blogging thankful for all of you! I too want to be more like Brayden everyday!...:)

  3. Oh... I couldn't agree more. I always tell people I would love to see through Justin's eyes. I strive to be like him every day!

  4. sweet post and sweet photos. love them

  5. I love that you want to be more like JM when you grow up...loved this post! And so cool and interesting that Nick wants to be a priest! :)

  6. That last paragraph brought me to tears... I love that you want to be JM. I think the world would be a better place if we all took some lessons from him.

  7. Monica, I just read your last three posts and they were all so beautiful! I can only imagine all that you must be thinking about, just w/adding to your family. I will keep you in my thoughts and say a prayer for you!
    I sooo want to start a blog to become connected w/this amazing community of people.....I just need to find the time:)! Love to read yours! thinking of you, Andrea

  8. What a beautiful post. I love that you want to be like John Michael. I try to remind myself to see things through Cody's eyes more often, too. :)

  9. Nice post. Made me smile. Your kids make this world a better place.
