Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Guess who said "Mama" today?

22 months, 9 days.

That's how long I've waited for this momentous milestone.

No, it's not climbing up the slide.. which is cool all by itself.

Or showing me how proud he is of himself once he gets to the top.

Or the fact that he can stand and "drive the car" while his hair stands tall with static.

Or that he can slide down all by himself without help.

These are great things.

But today, during John Michael's private music therapy session, he verbalized many new sounds, such as puh, nuh, and muh.

Yes, muh. And then with some encouragement and some patience on our part, it happened.

He said "Mama". Over and over again.

Not just once, but a couple times.

He was sitting on my lap and I started crying. I didn't cheer him on because I didn't want him to notice that if he says "Mama", I'm going to cry. So Carly, his MT, cheered for me, for her, for him. It was awesome.

It's always exciting to hear "Mama" for the first time, but with a child with Down syndrome, I've had to be extra patient.

Today is my day and I'm going to bask in this feeling for a long, long time.
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  1. What a wonderful word to hear for the first, second, third, thousandth and many more times !! yeah big boy, way to go!!! I love the soccer pictures too.

  2. So cool! That brings tears to my eyes!:)

  3. im with Adrienne, the tears are rolling down my cheek:) what a great moment in time you got to experience today, thats huge, thats amazing, congrats to you and to your little man:)

  4. I just jumped on to quickly check out any new posts, what a wonderful post to see.Joyful tears for you are falling. How sweet that must sound, so very special.

  5. Bask away! Enjoy it for as long as it will last. =)

  6. ... and you SHOULD bask in this wonderful feeling! That is wonderful!!!

  7. what a truly glorious day!!! JM you just made your mommy's day!!! (though I'm pretty sure he melts your heart a few times a day everyday ;) )

  8. That is so awesome, Monica! I will be crying the day Gabby says it too!

  9. yeahhhh!!! nothing is better than hearing mama out of a little one. i love it

  10. Oh...I had no idea I could feel such genuine pleasure and jealousy at the same time!

    Yahoo! Yahoo for you BOTH!!! What a super day!!!

  11. So sweet...thanks for sharing with us...Your little guy is just so adorable...

  12. Loving this post :)! What a huge moment. JM is way too cute. He's lucky I am not closer...I'd have to squeeze him!

    BTW, Bridget never did say "ma ma" (although, of course, she both signed and said "da da" before she turned one--how the heck does that happen?). She started out saying "mom" or "mom mom". She sounds just like Emmy when she says it. I can't tell who is calling me from around the corner!

  13. I have tears in my eyes for your very HAPPY moment! I can only imagine the feeling you get when you hear your child say your name...

  14. Yay!!! I'm so happy for you, Monica and so proud of John Michael!

  15. awww...that just brought tears to my eyes!

  16. That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!! It just makes your heart melt doesn't it.

  17. So happy for you and JM! Those are such sweet words to hear, congrats!!!

  18. So proud! I had to look back at my blog as to when Molly said it and she was 27 months! Now, each day I am greeted with a "mama" and my preschooler RUNNING to give me sweet kisses. We, as parents of DS children, wait and wait and it just seems to mean so much more when it actually happens.
    P.S. Feel free to use the DS advocy button that is on my blog. I, afterall, stole it from somoeone elses

  19. Yeah!!!! I am so happy for you both :).

  20. Paul told me about this before I read your blog post. I nearly cried. What a wonderful day! So glad for you.

  21. What a wonderful, wonderful moment to hear 'mama' for the first time! I have tears in my eyes!

  22. Oh, how wonderful, Monica!! Three cheers for "mama"!!! yes, you waited extra long, but that just means the rewards are extra sweet :) Love, Kris

  23. Mama is the BEST sound in the whole world!!!!

  24. Mama must've been sweet music to your ears. That's wonderful!! I love the photos, especially the one with the staticy hair. Cute!

  25. Lucky you! "Mama" the sweetest word a child can say...

  26. Oma and Opa said,
    We are so happy for you and JOhn Michael. We can hardly wait to come down to hug and kiss you, little stinker (it brings back memories).

    Thuess, Bis bald, Love you!
