Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brotherly love and Boy Scout camp

Nicolas made it home safely from a week away at Boy Scout camp. He's such a vibrant part of this family and we've all missed him very much, including Anna who has had to be the big sister all week and take on some of Nic's chores.

While at camp, Nic earned 4 merit badges -- Music, Wilderness Survival, Leatherworking, First Aid and he partially completed Environmental Science. Wow! For Wilderness, Nic and another scout had to spend a night outdoors and could only bring 3 things with them. He brought a towel, plastic bag and a flashlight. They made their own shelter from pine needles, wood and branches. He said he only slept for 30 minutes the whole night! For Music, he had to compose 12 measures of a song, sing God Bless America with proper posture and voice, name the 5 instrument groups and attend two live music performances (he used my vocal jazz concert and a music in the park we attended with our family recently). I love the short piece he composed for piano. There are some cool jazz chords in there.

All week, John Michael has been pointing to Nic's picture around the house and saying "K". It is so sweet to see them together again. He gave Nic big hugs and kisses and smiles.

While at camp, Nic said he saw a boy from another troop who had Down syndrome. He said he was about 12 or 13 years old. He didn't have a chance to talk to him, but I got choked up thinking about John Michael being a Boy Scout in the future. He'll be the best Scout ever. The BSA has a special allowance for people with different abilities. Where typical kids age out of Boy Scouts at age 18, there is no age limit for those who have developmental disabilities. Recently, I saw a video of a young man (age 40!) with Down syndrome who earned his Eagle Scout rank. That is so hard to do for any young man, so I was doubly impressed when I saw that (not to mention I was crying by the end of the video)!

Have a great weekend! Mine's already getting better :-)
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  1. I love the photo of John Michael resting his head on Nic's tummy. Sooo sweet!!

  2. such sweet photos! brother love is beautiful

  3. Those pictures are priceless! So sweet! Congrats to Nic on earning his badges!

  4. Oh my goodness...the brothers pictures are beautiful. You can see the love!!!

  5. Sounds like Nic had a great time at Boy Scout camp!The pictures of Nic and John Michael are so adorable!

  6. Great job Nicolas! The boys are adorable together!

  7. aww...i love these pictures!

  8. You just got to love the LOVE of siblings!!!

  9. sounds like a great trip, but I know it's nice to have him home again

  10. The power and bond between brothers is nothing short of amazing, eh?

  11. What sweet pictures. Cody just go back as well and he missed Sam so much. He sat and played with him for hours when he got home. I love the bond that Brothers have.
